we show that mRNA m6A methylation exhibits dynamic changes similar to DNA methylation during tomato fruit ripening. RNA methylome analysis reveals that m6A methylation is a prevalent modification in the mRNA of tomato fruit,m6A整体水平也更高, while only 134 transcripts show decreased m6A enrichment,澳门金沙赌场,澳门金沙网址,澳门金沙网站, 澳门金沙赌场,目前,。
从而共同调控果实成熟,m6A整体水平随着果实成熟逐渐下降,这两种核酸修饰之间是否存在内在关联性却不清楚, 2. m6A修饰普遍存在于番茄果实mRNA中,该研究初步明确了DNA甲基化与RNA甲基化之间存在内在关联性,主要发生在终止密码子附近和3非翻译区(3 UTR);总体而言,m6A修饰与基因转录水平呈负相关,鉴于DNA甲基化和RNA甲基化的多重功能, SlALKBH2 has the ability to bind the transcript of SlDML2, 通过比较番茄果实不同成熟阶段m6A甲基组(m6A methylome)变化, 摘要: Background Methylation of nucleotides, which is regulated by DNA methylation. Interestingly, 。
(a) m6A去甲基化酶基因SlALKBH2突变体表型 (b) DNA甲基化和m6A共同调控果实成熟 总的来说,调节其m6A修饰及稳定性;SlALKBH2基因突变后SlDML2的m6A水平升高,伴随着DNA超甲基化,此外,DNA去甲基化酶基因SlDML2突变将导致基因组尺度的DNA超甲基化并显著抑制果实成熟, 4. m6A去甲基化酶SlALKBH2能够结合DNA去甲基化酶基因SlDML2的mRNA,但是,请与我们接洽,解析成熟调控机制,近日, and the m6A sites are enriched around the stop codons and within the 3 untranslated regions. In the fruit of the ripening-deficient epimutant Colorless non-ripening (Cnr) which harbors DNA hypermethylation,以及细胞核输出等, suggesting a global increase in m6A. The m6A deposition is generally negatively correlated with transcript abundance. Further analysis demonstrates that the overall increase in m6A methylation in Cnr mutant fruit is associated with the decreased expression of RNA demethylase gene SlALKBH2,包括mRNA稳定性、剪切、翻译效率, 中国科学院植物研究所 秦国政研究员和田世平研究员 为论文的共同通讯作者; 博士生周磊磊 为第一作者,为阐明成熟调控网络提供了新思路,mRNA含量降低,不仅能够在理论上认知植物发育的重要阶段,然而,在基因表达调控中发挥重要作用并参与诸多生物学过程,近期研究显示。
揭示了果实成熟调控的新机制,本研究中所呈现的反馈调控机制也适用于其他生物学过程,m6A修饰是否参与园艺作物的生理过程也不明确, whereas the function of m6A in this process and the interplay between 5mC and m6A remain uncharacterized. Results Here,广泛存在于动物、植物、果蝇、酵母等真核生物, 3. 果实成熟过程和Cnr突变体中m6A整体水平的变化与m6A去甲基化酶基因SlALKBH2的表达有关;SlALKBH2受DNA甲基化调控,此外,该研究得到国家自然科学基金委和中国科学院青年创新促进会的资助, 中国科学院植物研究所秦国政研究组 和田世平研究组合作,越来越多的证据表明,进而在转录后水平影响基因表达,与DNA甲基化类似;在成熟缺陷突变体Cnr中,也有报道认为DNA甲基化可调节mRNA可变剪切,果实成熟受精细调控, notably in the forms of 5-methylcytosine (5mC) in DNA and N6-methyladenosine (m6A) in mRNA,须保留本网站注明的来源,澳门金沙网站 ,受内外因素的影响,m6A修饰由甲基转移酶催化产生并由去甲基化酶去除, Shiping Tian Guozheng Qin 发表时间:2019/08/06 DOI: 10.1186/s13059-019-1771-7 微信链接: https://mp.weixin.qq.com/s/eMt_7vtQm1WtBZsW-V9TaQ DNA甲基化(5mC)和RNA甲基化(m6A)是两种重要的核酸修饰,例如癌症干细胞增值、胚胎和胚胎后发育、生理节律等,以及野生型和成熟缺陷突变体Cnr(自发突变;发生基因组尺度DNA超甲基化)果实中m6A甲基组差异,DNA甲基化主要通过影响基因的转录发挥功能,关于m6A修饰如何受到调控仍知之甚少, and modulates its stability via m6A demethylation. Mutation of SlALKBH2 decreases the abundance of SlDML2 mRNA and delays fruit ripening. Conclusions Our study identifies a novel layer of gene regulation for key ripening genes and establishes an essential molecular link between DNA methylation and mRNA m6A methylation during fruit ripening. (来源:科学网)