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面包小麦精细表观组图谱绘制及全基因组顺式作用元件鉴定 | Genome Biology 论文标题:The bread wheat epigenomic map reveals distinct chromatin architectural and evolutionary features of functional genetic element...
面包小麦精细表观组图谱绘制及全基因组顺式作用元件鉴定 | Genome Biology 论文标题:The bread wheat epigenomic map reveals distinct chromatin architectural and evolutionary features of functional genetic element...
多层响应性涂料的超简单制备法|论文背后的灵感故事 论文标题:One-step procedure for the preparation of functional polysaccharide/fatty acid multilayered coatings 期刊: Communications Chemistry 作者:Samanth...
人口健康科学 | 画知识点了!征稿呀! 微信链接: https://mp.weixin.qq.com/s/H1JSn7Br0YZ85G2uCmqeKQ 7月是国际人口健康科普月 ,联合国对全球人口发展问题的重视同样唤起了国际社会对人口问...
大碗宽面都嘻哈了,是时候揭开碗里【面】的奥秘 | Genome Biology 论文标题:Frequent intra- and inter-species introgression shapes the landscape of genetic variation in bread wheat 期刊: Genome Biology 作者:...
Horticulture Research | 征稿:园艺植物基因组 期刊: Horticulture Research 微信链接: https://mp.weixin.qq.com/s/p5jQkG7MG7WlKD5nCwl9RQ 期刊:Horticulture Research 主题:园艺植物基因组 截止日期:2019年9月...